Reading seminar on Condensed Mathematics at HRI

The goal of this learning seminar is to understand the theory of Condensed Mathematics following Clausen and Scholze. We will be reading Scholze's lecture notes in the seminar.
The talks will take place on Zoom.

April 10, 2023: Bhamidi Sreedhar 16:30–18:00 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture I: Condensed Sets

April 17, 2023: Rahul Gupta 16:00–17:30 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture II: Condensed Abelian groups

April 24, 2023: Aprameyo Pal 16:00–17:30 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture III: Cohomology

May 1, 2023: Bhamidi Sreedhar 16:00–17:30 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture IV: Locally compact Abelian groups

May 22, 2023: Aprameyo Pal 16:00–17:30 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture V: Solid Abelian groups

May 29, 2023: Rahul Gupta 11:00–12:30 (IST) #Zoom

Lecture VI: Solid Abelian Groups II

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